Pagina principal

(translated from the Italian by Dr. Mario Sartori)


Pagina principal is a teaching and research project led by Professor Sergio Maradolpho at the University of Padua. The primary purpose of the project is to explore the relationship between author/authority and content creation. The primary method of research is experimentation. In particular, we are interested in testing the hypothesis that reader expectations about content are met. In addition to this, we are interested in testing the hypothesis that author expectations about content are met. In particular, we are interested in testing the hypothesis that reader expectations about content are met. In particular, we are interested in testing the hypothesis that author expectations about content are met. In particular, we are interested in testing the hypothesis that reader expectations about content are met. In particular, we are interested in getting feedback from readers and readers giving feedback. Feedback is both good and bad. Good feedback comes from readers giving feedback and bad feedback comes from readers not giving feedback. Readers giving feedback include yourself; your school, newspaper, magazine or website; your college professors; your college sports teams; your high school or junior varsity teams; your sorority sisters; your sorority sisters; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone.; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone; your crush on someone