Welcome to my Website!

strong>name italic>S.T.H

S.T.H is a super cute 13 year old schoolgirl who lives with her family in an ordinary but happy neighbourhood. She is also the girl who wears the most ridiculous outfits on this earth. She is also the girl who has the most perfect attendance and attendance is unbelievable

her parents name is


she is 13 years old

she loves drawing and writing fanfiction and hanging out on this website. She also likes to draw fanart of other people and writes fanfiction about them.

she is very picky she won't draw a black and white picture unless requested. She will draw any other picture she wants but only if it is good. She will draw if it is raining or snowing.

she also won't draw if she has ulcers or something is wrong with her body.

she is very obedient and follows all the rules. She won't say no to anything and she won't hurt anyone.

she also likes to dance and sing. She can play the piano and is very good at it.

she also likes to draw pictures. She can draw anything from dogs to girls to boys.

she also likes to sew and decorate. She could care less about the finished product so long as it is good looking.

she also likes to make up stories. She would love to tell them all and tell her friends. She is very talented but doesn't write down everything.

she also has a crush on a certain boy. She would like to tell him how she feels but she is too embarrassed to tell him. She will try her best but she knows he won't believe her. She will leave him hanging on the wall. When he finally opens his mouth she will have to prove she is truly sorry.